Device Groups


The device group function has been available in Relution since version 5.21.0. This allows devices to be automatically assigned to groups based on various device properties. The device groups can then be used to assign policies that are delivered automatically.


Currently, the device groups feature must be enabled manually. This can be done via Settings > Device Management > Migration of Device Groups. The associated policy assignment to device groups cannot be undone.

Activate Device Groups

After clicking on Start Migration, a message about the upcoming changes will be displayed. Read it carefully and click on Next.

In the following dialogue, one can finally execute the migration.

Activate Device Groups

Device Groups

After the migration has been successfully executed, one will be automatically redirected to the newly appeared menu item Devices > Device Groups. Here, there will be an overview of the automatically created groups and new groups can now be created.

A Device Group is a link between devices and policies. This link can be created either manually or automatically based on certain device properties.

If the Device Groups function is activated, a link between devices and policies can only be created via this function. Direct linking is no longer possible.

Creating new Device Groups

To create a new Device Group, Add should be clicked. One can now assign a name and (optionally) a description for the group. Also, the Type of group can be chosen. Here, the options Static and Dynamic are available.

Static Groups

Static groups allow manual linking between devices and policies.

Static Groups

After the group is created, devices and policies can be added. Only policies that have been previously published can be linked.

Static Groups

Dynamic Groups

In Dynamic Groups, filters must be defined based on which devices are automatically assigned to the group. This happens in the background in real time. There is no direct manual influence on the content of these groups.

Dynamic Groups

The filter specifications AND as well as OR are available for configuring the filters.

Dynamic Groups

In the example a filter has been defined from several properties and filter specifications.

Dynamic Groups

The filter integrates the following devices:

  • The linked user must be a member of the Appstore User group


  • The device name is not TEST


  • The description does not contain New Device


  • The user is not Admin Support 2

Alternatively, you could describe the filter like this

Groups = _SUPPORT2 Appstore User OR Device name NOT TEST.
OR (description does NOT include new device AND user is not Admin Support 2)

The filter specifications behave like ordinary logical functions.

For example, to avoid accidents, you can also add the serial number of a single device as a fixed filter value to really apply the policy only to that device and check if the result is as expected.