Install Apps


Android Classic / Legacy offers two ways to distribute apps to enrolled Android devices:

  1. One way is to upload Native Apps as .apk files to the Relution App Store and deliver them to Android devices via action or policy configuration.

Installing native apps

Native apk via a policy

First, the app is deployed to the Relution App Store, then distributed via a policy with the App Conformance configuration.

  1. In the Relution portal, navigate to the menu item Apps > App Store and click Add.
  2. Then select the option Native App and click on Next.
  3. Via Select file, select your .apk file.
  4. On the following page, you have to change the release status of the app from Development (Blue icon) to Productive (Green icon). Click on Save.
  5. Then navigate to Devices > Policies in the menu and click on Add. Create an Android policy and give it a name. Click on Save.
  6. After clicking Add, select App compliance option and continue with Add details.
  7. The List type is preselected as Blocklist by default. Accordingly, now add the required apps from the Relution App Store under Required Apps.
  8. Save the configuration and publish the current version of the policy.
  9. To apply the policy to Android devices, add the desired devices via the Devices with this policy tab. The selected settings and apps will then be automatically executed or installed on the devices.

Manage Apps