Locate Android Ent. Device


With Relution it is possible to locate Android Enterprise devices.
The action can be triggered in the Inventory on the Device to be located in the tab Location > Request Current Position. Alternatively, in the tab Actions > Locate Device.

Each time a device is located, a notification is sent to the device’s notification menu. In addition, the process is displayed in the Relution Companion

The successfully located device is displayed on a map in the Location tab under Devices > Inventory > your device > Location.


The device must have a GPS module and an internet connection, as well as being switched on and basically locatable.

Further requirements are activated location services on the device in the settings or in the quick settings. The permission to locate must also be initially allowed when opening the companion or subsequently.

If these are deactivated, Relution shows the following message in the actions:

Unable to determine location; No location available; GPS is disabled; Network location is disabled.

If the services are activated, a successful message looks like this:

Determined current location, using fused provider, accuracy 13.37 meter, age <1m.


  • Pending actions
    Problems with positioning may occur if actions are still pending in Relution. These must be canceled and the action must be resubmitted.
  • Location accuracy
    The option Location accuracy in the device settings has a significant influence on the location accuracy. If this setting is disabled, the location accuracy can be several hundred meters.
    For Samsung devices with Android 13, the setting can be found under Settings > Location > Location Services > Location Accuracy.