Enrollment types


There are three different types of enrollment available for Android Enterprise. Each has special functionalities suitable for specific use cases.

The following types of enrollment are available:

Managed Device.

The Managed Device enrollment type is suitable for organizations or schools to handover devices to users. Administrators have full access to the devices and can, for example, view the list of installed apps and reset the devices to factory settings. A reset to factory settings is required to start up the operating mode. In addition, it is not possible to enroll a private GoogleID. As a rule, this enrollment type is used for organization-owned devices that are provided to employees or students for the sole purpose of performing official or school activities (no private use).

Managed Device

Managed Device with Personal Profile (Company Owned, Personally Enabled COPE).

The enrollment type is the opposite of the work profile and allows devices of an organization to be issued to users who may also use them for private purposes. Users have the option of registering their private GoogleID in a private profile and installing their own apps. Private and organization-related data is strictly separated on the devices. Administrators have no insight or access to the private profile and cannot, for example, see which apps are installed in the private profile and which settings are activated. However, administrators have full access to the devices and can, for example, perform a factory reset, which deletes all data, both private and company-related. A reset to factory settings is necessary for the start-up of the operating mode.

COPE Device

Work Profile

The enrollment type Work Profile is the right choice for the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach. Users can provide their private devices in order to have a work profile installed on them by the organization. No resetting of the devices is necessary for the commissioning of a work profile. The mail app or other apps of the organization can then be made available within a work profile. Private and organization-related data are strictly separated on the devices. In addition, administrators have no insight into installed apps and no access rights to functions or settings on private devices. When a work profile is deleted, all organization-related data is removed from the devices, whereas all private data is retained.

COPE Device