Device names


  • DEP devices lose the previously assigned device name in the device inventory after reset.
  • Export of CSV file from Devices > Inventory cannot be imported at Devices > Auto enrollment and vice versa.


  • The name from Auto enrollment overwrites the subsequently changed device name from the device inventory.
  • The format of the exported CSV file is different from the format of the imported CSV file and contains different fields.


Export the CSV file with the desired device names from the inventory and transfer the data to the template format of the CSV file of auto enrollment to be imported.

You can download CSV file templates for Auto enrollment and Inventory. This will give you the correct format template for the name changes in each case.

Copy the serial number and device name from your exported data and then import it at Auto Enrollments. If devices are newly enrolled, the correct device name will now be entered at the Auto Enrollments.


  1. Export the inventory list.
  2. Download the format template for import at Auto enrollments.
  3. Import the corresponding data from the export into the format template for import. Import the filled format template at Auto enrollments.