Remove Supervised Mode


Every now and then it may be necessary to revoke this mode from Apple devices that are running in Supervised Mode.

Identify monitored devices

Monitored devices can be located as follows:

  1. The column Will be monitored shows up in the inventory. The corresponding devices are marked with a check mark. Relution Portal

  2. In the device details, the status can be seen by the corresponding badge Will be supervised in the infobox. Relution Portal

  3. On the devices themselves, one can see in the settings by the following information that the devices are in the Supervised Mode. Relution Portal

Revoke Supervised Mode

Devices enrolled via Apple Configurator

The devices can be resettet while using one of the following options:

  1. A “factory reset device” action has to be sent to the devices.
  2. Device settings have to be chosen under General > Transfer/Reset iPad > Erase All Content & Settings.
  3. Devices have to be connected to Mac computer and open Apple Configurator 2 application. Devices have to be clicked and Advanced has to be selected and then Erase All Content & Settings has to be selected.

DEP devices enrolled through Apple School/ Business Manager via authorized reseller.

If devices have been added to the MDM system via Apple School / Business Manager, the link must be undone there, otherwise the devices will always automatically report back to the MDM system after a Factory Reset and get Supervised Mode.

  1. Log in to Apple School / Business Manager and Devices have to be chosen.
  2. Select the appropriate device and click on Edit Device Assignment on the right hand side
  3. Unassign has to be clicked.
  4. The device has to be reset to factory settings.

DEP devices added later via Apple Configurator

Removing Supervised Mode from devices added to Apple School/Business Manager via Apple Configurator works in the same way as enrolled DEP devices via an authorized reseller.