Manage whiteboards


With Relution, it is possible to manage whiteboards based on Android from various manufacturers. The devices are manually registered via the Relution Companion and can then be equipped with various configurations. The range of functions is based on the endpoints provided by the manufacturer.

Currently the following Interactive Whiteboards can be managed with Relution:

  • Active Panel 7 from Promethean.
  • Digital whiteboard (DT21) from heinekingmedia
  • Galneoscreen from wende.interaktiv
  • Prowise Tochscreen One from Prowise.

Other manufacturers are in the process of implementation.

The corresponding Relution Companion can be obtained from the respective manufacturers.


As already described, the Relution Companion must be installed on the device to enroll whiteboards. The enrollment is based on the Android platform in Relution. The Companion is manufacturer and partly model dependent.

Enrollment of Whiteboards →


Depending on the manufacturer, different configurations are available for the respective devices. In Relution, policy configurations are marked with badges to document the availability of each feature for the devices.


In addition to policy configurations, the available actions are also highly dependent on the manufacturer and the integrated functions. Relution Companion is constantly evolving and thus the feature set is also increasing.

Actions available for many manufacturers are:

  • Send message to device
  • Restart device
  • Update device information
  • Install app

Manufacturer-specific actions such as Install app from Prowise Store are of course only available for devices of corresponding manufacturers. There is no influence on other devices.

Device Owner

On devices of the manufacturers Promethean and Prowise, the Relution Companion can be made device owner via the ADB (Android Debug Bridge). This enables further functions on the respective devices. USB debugging must be allowed on the devices.