Configure iOS signing certificate


When enrolling Apple devices, Relution delivers a signing certificate in the basic configuration that is not trusted and has expired. This is not a functional problem, but can be fixed by changing the configuration. It manifests itself as shown in the screenshot.


Adjust configuration

The certificate can be changed. In this case, the following section must be added to the application.yml:

    certificatePath: "PATH TO YOUR CERTIFICATE"
    keyPath: "PATH TO YOUR KEY"

Relution expects the files always in /opt/relution. If you add the two paths you can only add the filename of the certificate, if it is stored in /opt/relution.

In this example, both the certificate and the corresponding key must be stored under the appropriate path.

Docker environment

If Relution is operated in Docker, the certificates must still be mounted in the corresponding container:

      - "./application.yml:/opt/relution/application.yml"
      - "./server.pem:/opt/relution/server.pem"
      - "./server.key:/opt/relution/server.key"

The volume application.yml only needs to be added if there is no such file already.