Install certificates


The policy configuration Certificates for Windows can be used to install certificates on Windows 10/11 devices via Relution. In addition, the certificate store can be specified individually.

Upload certificates to Relution

To be able to distribute certificates via Relution, they must first be uploaded to the certificate store of Relution.

  • To do this, one has to go to Settings > Certificates.
  • Then the button Add has to be clicked.
  • A name has to be assigned, the password of the certificate has to be entered and finally,the certificate file has to be selected.
  • Confirm with Save.

Zertifikat hinzufügen

Applying certificates on Windows 10/11 devices

  1. One has to navigate to Devices > Policies in the Relution Portal and click on Add.
  2. A Windows policy has to be created and a name has to be assigned. Then, Save has to be chosen.
  3. After clicking Add, the Certificates option has to be clicked and continued with Add details.
  4. Now, the certificate uploaded has to be selected in the previous step and a certificate store has to be defined.
  5. The configuration has to be saved and the current version of the policy has to be chosen.
  6. To apply the policy to Windows 10/11 devices, one must add the desired devices via the Devices with this policy tab. The selected certificates will then automatically run on the devices.

Zertifikat hinzufügen